
Stomach Surgery | Anchorage, Alaska

Stomach Surgery | Anchorage, Alaska
Surgery for the stomach involves removal, repair, or modification of the organ and is performed to correct many stomach conditions. Dr. Prasad uses the most advanced surgical techniques to improve the quality of the surgery and decrease the invasiveness and recovery time of these surgical procedures.

Reasons for Stomach Surgery

Many people suffer from stomach problems. Common issues include heartburn and indigestion. You can treat most stomach problems by taking over-the-counter medicines, and/or changing your eating habits and lifestyle. However, there are some disorders that may require medical attention or surgery. Some symptoms may include:
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Appearance of blood during a bowel movement
  • Heartburn not managed by medication
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Unexpected weight loss

The symptoms mentioned above may indicate a serious disorder, such as:

  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • Gastroparesis (a condition that prevents normal stomach emptying)
  • Stomach tumor (benign or malignant)Peptic ulcer disease

Common Tests to Diagnose Stomach Problems

The following tools are used to investigate stomach problems:
  • Upper GI (gastrointestinal) series – is a series of X-rays that observes in real time what happens when you swallow
  • Endoscopy - a procedure performed by a gastroenterologist during which a thin tube with a camera and light is passed through the esophagus. This allows for direct visualization of tissue in the esophagus, stomach and first part of small intestine.
  • Biopsy - is when a little bit of tissue is taken from the stomach and examined by a pathologist for esophageal cancer or other conditions. This is usually performed during endoscopy.
  • CT scan - provides a detailed look at the anatomy and relationship of the stomach to other structures.
  • 24 hour pH study – a small probe is placed in your stomach to measure acidity for 24 hours.
  • Esophageal Manometry – this tests the contraction and relaxation of the esophagus to better understand how it moves food into the stomach.

Common Surgical Procedures

  • Nissen Fundoplication – This surgery is performed to reduce symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux. It involves wrapping the top of the stomach around the esophagus.
  • Partial Gastrectomy – This surgery is performed to remove stomach cancer.
  • Tumor Removal – This surgery is performed to remove benign tumors of the stomach. It involves opening the stomach and removing the tumor.

Why Choose Us for Stomach Surgery?

Our surgeon, Dr. Prasad, is highly experienced in diagnosing and treating stomach disorders. He uses state-of-the-art technology in performing minimally invasive, advanced procedures to treat both common and uncommon diseases of the stomach. Minimally invasive surgery often shortens recovery time and hospital stay, which allows for a higher quality of patient care. Call us at 907-276-3676 to get the best treatment option or answer any questions you may have. contact alaska cancer treatment center far north surgery
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